Sunday 17 April 2011

3 Weight-Loss Obstacles

This is why acclaimed personal trainer, best-selling author and former nutritionist Josh Bezoni has created the 7 Day Belly Blast Diet, which explains to you the THREE main obstacles that are actually getting in the way of your weight loss.
  • Weight-Loss Obstacle # 1
    The first obstacle is your hormones. While the hormones in your body is one of the things that you simply cannot live without, it is also one of the things that is making you gain weight no matter how much you try to live healthily. Stress releases a chemical called Cortisol, and Cortisol is what you would call a fat storing kind of hormone.

    The more stressed you are, the more Cortisol you have in your body, hence the phenomenon of excessive weight gain during very stressful periods of your life. Another chemical that affects your hormones is Insulin, which is also a fat storing kind of hormone. Having excessive levels of Cortisol and Insulin in your body is one of the reasons why you have far too much jiggle in your belly.
  • Weight-Loss Obstacle # 2
    The second obstacle you need to learn about is you want to know how to lose weight in 2 weeks is the fact that your body's natural fat burners may be broken. This is caused by many things, but one of the leading causes, quite surprisingly, is dieting. When you starve yourself or cause your body to be hungry for too long, your body's natural response is to lower hormones that burns fat. Years of dieting and yo-yoing in weight will cause your body's fat burning mechanism to go haywire, and sooner or later, it will simply stop working.
  • Weight-Loss Obstacle # 3
    Last but not the least in what you have to learn in order to lose weight is the additives in your food, which Bezoni calls Obesity Additives. These kinds of additives are not only fattening, but they also retain water so that you bloat up with water weight, and it is also very addicting. It is because of these additives that you KEEP going back to certain kinds of fattening food. It is also these additives that introduce destructive and fattening waste in your body and makes it stay there.
From Fat Belly to Flat Belly
Josh Bezoni

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