Friday 15 April 2011

How Can I Lose Weight in 5 Days?

People are always on the lookout for fast ways to lose weight. The smart thing is to reduce the number of calories you eat and increase the amount of exercise you do. This is the safest way to lose weight for the long term. But with diligence and determination, it's also possible to lose weight in just 5 days. The really difficult part is keeping the weight off after those 5 days!


    • 1
      Exercise each day. The fastest way to lose weight is with fat-burning aerobic exercise. Running, swimming, dancing and other forms of cardio workouts help burn calories fast. During the 5 days it is important to do aerobic exercise every day, but only if you are physically able to do so. If you have been sedentary for months or years, the best exercise is walking.
    • 2
      Drink plenty of water each day. One advantage to drinking 7 to 10 glasses of water each day is that it makes you feel full so you eat less. Drinking water also helps to clean out the system and remove toxins and impurities. Water also keeps you from getting dehydrated while doing vigorous aerobic exercise.
    • 3
      Eat low carbohydrate foods. Carbohydrate are necessary for the many functions of the body, but too many carbohydrates cannot be used immediately by the body and so are stored as fat. The Atkins diet is well-known as a low carbohydrate diet. While such a diet is successful in the short term, many people find it difficult to maintain a low carbohydrate diet. But it can easily be done for just 5 days. With less carbohydrates being eaten, the body is forced to use its fat reserves for energy, and this leads to weight loss.
    • 4
      Eat small meals. To keep the metabolism active, it is a good idea to eat small meals throughout the day instead of three large meals. This is a better way to lose weight quickly. Small meals can be more easily digested, so less fat is stored. And if you eat every 3 to 4 hours, your metabolism rate increases. The longer you go without a meal, the slower your metabolism. This is the body's way of protecting itself from possible starvation.
    • 5
      Don't eat junk food. While cookies, cakes and candy taste good, they really add to your weight. During the 5 days, try not to eat any junk food at all. This included sodas. If you can't go without something sweet, eat raisins or fruit instead. There is also no-fat candy which many people find tasty. Not eating junk food also reduces the amount of carbohydrates you eat.

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